Please upload your poster on Whova by October 1, 2023. If you need a step-by-step guideline to upload posters and videos, please visit Whova Artifact Center Presenter Guide.

Click to access the CinC 2023 Whova web portal.

On desktop

Option 1

  • Step 1: Open a personal link
    As a registered poster presenter, you will receive a personal link from CinC 2023 conference organizers. This link will enable you to access your poster booth. When you open the link, you will find “The 50th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) 2023, Atlanta, GA, USA” at the top of the page, followed by your poster title. No sign-in is required: the link will allow you to set up your booth.
  • Step 2: Edit your poster booth
    You will be able to input your information, add your abstract, upload posters and a 3-minute video. If you have additional presenters registered for the conference, you can add them to help manage your poster.

Note: SoftConf and Whova are not synchronized. If you update the poster title on SoftConf, please also update it in the Whova mobile app. The Whova web portal does not allow you to change poster title but the Whoa mobile app does.


  • Please note that PDF files must not exceed a maximum size of 10BM each, and videos must not exceed a maximum size of 50MB (mp4 format).
  • Since the maximum size for PDF file is only 10MB, we suggest uploading your posters as JPG, JPEG, or PNG files or compressing the PDF file to fit within the 10MB limit.
  • Regarding uploading a prerecorded 3-minute video, we strongly recommend selecting "Add a video link" option by copying a link from 3rd party video storage.
  • Whova's preferred video hosting sites are YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, SlidesLive. Whova's recommended services are Zoom Recordings, Wistia, Sprout Video, Brightcove, iPlayerHD, VeritasTV, Crowdcast, and Six Video.

Option 2

  • Step 1: Sign up Whova
    You will receive a web portal access link for CinC 2023 conference from the conference organizers. If you don’t have an account yet, click “Sign up here” and provide your email and password. To automatically log in to CinC 2023 conference, please ensure that you use the mail account to which you have received the link. Otherwise, you need to input the event invitation code.
  • Step 2: Access to your poster booth
    After signing in to the CinC 2023 web portal, go to the “Poster” tap under Agenda on the left-hand side of the page. Search for your name or poster title, and click the “Edit” button under your poster booth.
  • Step 3: Edit your poster booth
    You will be able to input your information, add your abstract, and upload posters and 3-minute video. If you have additional presenters registered for the conference, you can add them to help manage your poster.

On mobile app

  • Step 1: Down load Whova app
    Search and download Whova app on Google Play or the App Store or visit the Whova App download page.
  • Step 2: Sign up Whova
    Follow the same steps above to access your poster booth to upload your posters and videos.

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