Since the 2016 conference, CinC has hosted at the annual conference “Special Sessions”, which are sessions proposed by members of the society and approved by the CinC Board. The aim of special sessions is to offer conference attendees a window for promoting emerging research themes. For more information and details, please visit Special Sessions page at CinC main website.

For CinC 2023 conference in Atlanta, the following sessions will be featured in the conference program.

Wearable photoplethysmography: the road ahead

  • Organizer:
    Peter H. Charlton, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, UK,
    Xiao Hu, Emory University, USA,

Inside the Beating Heart: Image-guided Cardiac Interventions

At the Intersection of Cardiovascular Imaging, Mechanics and Modeling for Patient-customized Simulations

  • Organizer:
    Cristian A. Linte, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
    Suzanne Shontz, University of Kansas, USA,

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